Trip to South Africa

Monday, July 10, 2006


Looked into the whole 'catching a deadly virus while on vacation thing' that people keep asking me about.. according to all the websites I don't need any vaccinations but I called the health center @ DB and they advised some Malaria meds and Cipro just in case the water doesn't agree with me. 40 bucks worth of drugs AND THEY WERE COVERED. Okay better safe than sorry. 1 tab of Malarone a day, 2 days before I leave, everyday I'm there and 7 days after I get back. 2 Cipro a day in case my guts turn into a open faucet..

According to a chick here at work, the malaria meds gave her hallucinations when she when to South Africa.. So I'm looking forward to that.. seriously.. I am.