Trip to South Africa

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

T Minus 1 Day

Spent some time the past few days saying see you later to some special people (you know who you are). It's only a couple of weeks for me but.. I dunno it seems like it will be a while. 1 of these special people will be away most of the summer.. Another.. we'll see.

Bro - Whatever you end up? I'm crashin' so make sure the new place is an adventure and you have floor space for me. Remember.. Never compromise passion, intensity, time or money. Create through deep considered actual individual emotion.
Perfect a balance of the present and the primitive. Invest absolute faith. Maximize and evolve your individuality. Relish the challenge and Persist eternally. One.

FiremanChick... (Oops.. it's just Chick now huh? HA!) - I expect you to be throwin' a house warmin' when I get back.. and thanks again, I'll miss ya.

TeacherChick - Please take care of yourself in the 'Big Easy'. I want you back here in one piece in September. And I want stories.

Bluemoon - Wow. Really glad we touched base.. We will definately museum hop when I return.

To the green eyed Chick - Don't worry. Where ever your friends end up, we'll always save space for you and your boy. And... you really don't want to know my nickname for you. So stop askin'.

My - I'll swear I'll be plannin a trip down that way after I get back.. it's been too long.

Little one. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang.. But you know? You just know. :-) At least I hope you do.