Trip to South Africa

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Flight.. July 13th.. 14th.. The hell time is it?!?

The 6 of us met at JFK Airport Emirates Airline terminal gate at about 10:30 AM in the morning.

6 of us? Yes, myself, Cousins Danielle and Shatar, Aunties Ann Marie, Germaine and Great Auntie Gloria.

Before I go on? Emirates Air is the BOMB! The fed us like kings and queens, like 3 full meals on the first part of the 12 hour stretch. Salmon, lamb.. what?! We had breakfast at midnight (NY time. It was about 8 AM Dubai time)

500 channels of entertainment, movies, video games, music, SMS, email, wifi?!, we were calling each other from our seats with the built in telephones to play video games with each other.. sick..

SICK! Right on down to the stars that came out on the ceiling of the airplane when they dimmed the lights to get us to sleep.. now it is still like early to late afternoon NY time so this wuz kinda weird, but they were trying to help us adjust. Dubai is 8 hours ahead. In the "morning", the stewardesses turned on the simulated sun rise lighting. After a couple of minutes we heard birds.. As the light grew brighter, the birds grew louder and louder.. yea.. I'm sweating Emirates.