Trip to South Africa

Friday, July 21, 2006

The Chobe River

We’ve abandoned driving in exchange for wings..

The grand tour of every inch of highway was cool, but took way too much out of us. We board an Air Botswana plane in Gabarone and fly into Kasane via Maun which looked to me to be a sort of banana republic stop off for many types of travelers.. a sort of way point if you will. Unfortunately our connecting flight was delayed.. and we missed our 3pm river boat cruise / tour of the Chobe River. Fortunately, The Chobe Lodge sent a fantastic game driver to pick us up carry us to the lodge,

and place us on a fast boat that took us to the larger tour boat. Wow! We felt special.. everyone seemed to be wondering who these special people were..HA!

The Chobe is beautiful and we saw many fantastic things..

Hippos.. very dangerous!

Chasing the boat..

Crocs eating sick elephant..

Elephant swiming the Chobe..

The Chobe River runs along the northern border of Chobe National Park. It rises in the northern Angolan highlands, where it is called the Kwando (a Hambukushu name), and travels enormous distances through Kalahari sands before reaching Botswana; here it becomes the Linyanti (a Subiya name) until it reaches Ngoma where it becomes the Chobe.

The sunset was wonderful!

This was a fantastic trip!