Trip to South Africa

Thursday, July 20, 2006


We are now in the place where my mum and pop have lived for the past 6 years or so.. Gabarone, Botswana!

Botswana is the home of the Kalahari desert, it is approx. is the size of Texas and has a population of 1,639,833. It is bordered by South Africa to the south, Namibia to the west, Zambia to the north, and Zimbabwe to the northeast. The economy, closely tied to South Africa's, is predominated by mining (especially diamonds), cattle, and tourism. The country is named after its largest ethnic group, the Tswana. Okay.. After Our approx. 3000 km trip around the east end of SA..

Botswana, like many nations in southern Africa, suffers from a high AIDS infection rate, which was 38.8% for adults in 2002. I’ve found in many places all over Southern Africa, dispensers for free condoms.

Like I said before, we spent 3 days here and then we travel Northernward to Kasane and Zimbabwe..