Trip to South Africa

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Okay.. Answers to Questions I've gotten thus far:

My own about what oceans border South Africa: On the east coast of South Africa is the Indian Ocean.. on the west is the Atlantic. They meet in the middle at the tip.

What direction does the toilet water flow?
Uh, it's kinda gushing down the middle. I know, I expected it to go counter clockwise like I've heard it does in Austrailia as well, but.. Duh.. I don't know??

Were you really up close to those animals?

Yes, the Zebra's, Imapalas, Rhino's and weirdo birds (I don't know what they are) are what we saw FROM THE CAR ON THE WAY IN. On my way back from updating this blog this morning I saw a Monkey.. on the drive towards the Botswana border, I saw baboons. They're like the pigeons of Bots?? The other animals, the Lions and Giraffes we saw while on the game drive, they did come quite close to the bus (open air) but then they got sick of the humans and wandered off to the watering hole.. (My sister's camcorder got GREAT shots)

What kinds of cars do they drive?
Lots of tiny cars.. Smart cars, that new Toyota thing we have in the US, the Mercedes A class (tiny!), lots of German cars, VW, MB.. also Opels, Nissans, Hondas...

What kind of music do you hear?
On the radio? Lots of UK influence.. and from what I've seen, it's a very European country.. They have LOTS of Hip Hop, there's MTV Base.. (MTV Africa) Lots of African Rap, European Rap, I heard Common, Camron, they bump it.. of course lots of Eurpoean and American Pop music as well.

(I'll keep updating this Q&A as they come in.)