Trip to South Africa

Thursday, July 13, 2006


This is all we got to see of Dubai on the way to Jo'burg.. Unfortunately, we didn't get to visit the OUTSIDE of the airport this time around. Arraingements would have to had been made at the time of purchase, we would have to upgrade our tickets, time considering.. blah, blah, blah.. not this time.. Yea I know.. I'm disappointed too. One of you did also express concern with us staying here considering the conflict that's currently underway.. There is however always a next time.... These are the pictures we did get however.

by the way.. on the way back it was like 109 degrees AT MIDNIGHT!

We still don't know what the heck this thing is???????

These are people that were sleeping on the floor when we first arrived...

We think that because rules are a bit tighter in the airport (than I've seen elsewhere), passengers are not allowed to 'enter' the gate until 35 minutes before boarding. IF you aren't in the gate area within 15 minutes of the scheduled takeoff (and after you're take on luggage has been searched) You're luggage will be removed from the plane and you ain't gettin' on. We saw the check - in staff give a Pakistani woman a particularly tough time.. Yea.. they were profiling.. and yea. I'M GLAD!

The airport is like a mall??? D got pictures of all the jewelry, cars (Lamborghini's, BMW's etc.. that were on display... and palm trees indoors like we have here in the World Financial Center..