Trip to South Africa

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

To Johannesburg and Gabarone

We start off early morning back to Johannesburg to drop the Aunties off at the airport for a flight back to Gabarone (pronounced Habarone),Botswana. D and Shatar after what seems like 3 days 300,000 km of driving opt to buy tickets to fly back as well, the flight was at 3, we dropped them at like 1 they had a 45 minute flight and we had a 4 to 6 hour drive.. so they say.. HA! Petra gave them the keys and directions to the house and we took off. After taking a brief nap in back for a good little bit. I woke up..

… and raced the plane! Well, to be fair. I raced them. From the ticket counter iJohannesburgrg to Bots.

My parents own a 2000 & something C180.. M Benz.. a little underpowered in my opinion.. a little soft in the suspension.. but.. it had an autostick.. HA!.. HA!HA! HA!!!

After we got onto the N4 I turned up the Lil Wayne CD Shantar left me.. (never listened to this stuff.. sounds like a great Jay - Z album to me.. I'll leave that to you strict hip hop music heads).

Anywayz.. I had a great time.. Most of the roads from this point on were straight, just straight shots with a few areas where I was required to slow down to 80 then 60 then 40 then right back up to 120?! Mostly townships of course.

So.. I got this idea from the plane.. a show I saw while on the Dubai /Johannesburg leg. This guy had a MB McLaren SLR and he raced his co-hosts from London to Oslo.. he drove, they flew and boated it.. He kicked there arses!!! By like a day!


I decided to have a little fun.. it was on this stretch that I saw the baboons.. chillin' by the side of the road.. they are like.. the pigeons of Botswana and northern SA. Literally! I hear they eat anything.

Anyway.. so I'm like flyin!!



Dude asked for my drivers license..

Police Officer: "You're here from New York?!"
Me: "Yes"
Police Officer: "Visiting for Father's Day (Presidents Day)"
Me: "Yes"
Police Officer: "Well what use would it be to check the computer agreed??"
Me: "Yes!"
Police Officer: "Welcome to Southern Africa! Have a wonderful stay here with us. Remember to Drive Safely and Stay Alive!!"
Me: "Yes, Yes!!!"
And off we went..


I won.

We hit the house at 5:30, they had cab problems.. They hit the house like 6:30. Heh, Heh, Heh!!HA HA HA!Hoooo!!!!!

We rest here a couple of days and then we're off to Zimbabwe..

Nighty night Danielle...