Trip to South Africa

Sunday, July 16, 2006


We arrived at Kruger National Game park at approx. 5pm SA time, Saturday afternoon. After going the park gate at Melalene (sp?), we had another 1.5 hr drive to our cabins in Sukuska (sp?).

On the way there, we saw, rhinos, zebras and impalas and some other cool birds.

We arrived at Kruger to find out our reservations had been a little screwed.. and a drunk Afrikaaner let us know what he thought of the Kafirs running South Africa. We didn’t let it piss us off too much, but okay.. I expected it sooner or later.

The cabins were really cool!

We were up bright and early the next day to go on our game drive.. again, if I didn’t mention it before? It’s effen freezing! The thing is.. as cold as it gets early in the morning, by mid day, it’s really, really warm and then very cold again at night.. (Again Ruth? You were right.)

The sunrise was gorgeous. And with the air so crisp so clear it was.. to be on the other side of the world, looking at such a different landscape. Whoa.

This morning we got to see lions (!) and more impalas.. can I say that the first time we saw impalas we were like.. WOW… impalas.. like a chevy? Um yea, By the end of the drive.. we were like Ooo. Impalas.. @@. Like.. they are the rats of SA. Like they are everywhere! Okay.. not so many.. but damn! We saw them at our hotels.. what the!??!