Trip to South Africa

Saturday, July 22, 2006


In order to get into Victoria Falls we had to cross over into the Zimbabwe border..

Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, and formerly known as the Republic of Rhodesia, is a landlocked country in the southern part of the continent of Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo rivers. It borders South Africa to the south, Botswana to the west, Zambia to the north-west, and Mozambique to the east. The name Zimbabwe derives from "dzimba dzemabwe" meaning "houses of stone " in the Shona language.[1] Its use as the country's name is a tribute to Great Zimbabwe, site of the capital of the Munhumutapa Empire.

Most of you probably know of the current crises in Zim and what most of the world believes about Mugabe’s actions in recent years with the white / black farmers and their property. Now Zim currently suffers from serious abject poverty due to sanctions against the coutry.. We stopped off at this market to buy souveniers and I spoke to some of these people who were willing to give up dozens of items for a t-shirt.. for my sneakers.. for my belt.. watch.. a $1 white tee.. (the ones most of us know throw away after 1 wear.. ‘cause.. that’s cool right???@@) Costs $85 US here… a $100 pair of sneakers costs thousands.. My airfare would have supported them for 3 years.. But what can they do? They don’t blame Mugabe.. or the world… I sure as gell am not responsible.. but can’t help feel guilty… regardless of who is at fault and what position you may take.. regardless of the bullshit and the’s !@$#@ sad.